Page name: Coffee corner [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-04-16 19:16:02
Last author: Sahraminkukka
Owner: Sahraminkukka
# of watchers: 11
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Welcome to Coffee corner

Welcome, dear guests, to Coffee corner!!!

Here you can relax and have a nice cup of warm coffee or tea, and a bisquit or two.

Here you are always welcome to talk and have fun, I just want you to behave good and I'd appreciate if you didn't use chatspeak.


-Hot chocolate/cacao
-Chocoball with coconut flakes on
-Banana Bread (courtesy of [Mr. Gentleman])

Any suggestions? Add them to the commentbox and I'll take a look at it.

If you enjoyed your stay at here, write your name in the Coffee corner guestlist and take a banner as a souvenier.

<*IMG:*> Copy the link and take out the stars *
Banner made by [Sahraminkukka]

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2006-02-24 [Sahraminkukka]: Yes, now we have a huge pile of them. But don't eat too many at once, or you will get sick ;) Plus, I want some to!

2006-02-24 [MyWings]: *gives you one* here ya go! now, the rest is mine! :P

2006-02-24 [Sahraminkukka]: How generous of you *grins* I think I'm going to hide half of the pile in to the storage, just to have some left for later occasion...

2006-02-24 [MyWings]: No! :'( don't take them away from me!!! I need them! need them!!!! i really do...! :S

2006-02-24 [Sahraminkukka]: Ok, I'll be nice and only take 1/4 of the pile to storage... ;) Just in case someone else wants...

2006-02-24 [MyWings]: thanks! lol

2006-02-24 [Sahraminkukka]: *takes a cup of coffee* Want some tea or something to go with the chocoballs?

2006-02-24 [MyWings]: yes please!

2006-02-24 [Sahraminkukka]: *refills the cup of tea* Baah, damn I'm tired! I think i'll go to sleep now, see you later! ^_^ *hugs*

2006-02-24 [MyWings]: thanks. sweet dreams! *hugs* n.n

2006-02-25 [*Masaya*]: anything hapening here? kinda bored now........:(

2006-02-25 [Sahraminkukka]: Hello ^_^ Well, we just took a new thing to the menu, and [MyWings] wants all of them, but I hid some of them... ;) How are you?

2006-02-25 [*Masaya*]: doubt;) how are you? I'm fine thanks..for asking...if it was ment for me?? O.o

2006-02-25 [MyWings]: can i have one more of those things??

2006-02-26 [Sahraminkukka]: [*Masaya*] Yes it was ment for you ;) I'm doing good, went snowboarding today. [MyWings]: Another one?! Okay, you can have ONE. Ok?

2006-02-26 [MyWings]: thanks!!!

2006-02-26 [Sahraminkukka]: *gives it* So, how's your day? ^_^

2006-02-26 [MyWings]: cold...:S you?

2006-02-26 [Sahraminkukka]: Pretty good, the muscles in my legs hurt :S But otherwise, good. Tummy filled with food and so...

2006-02-26 [MyWings]: why? cool!

2006-02-26 [Sahraminkukka]: Because of 3 ½ h. snowboarding... I think i'll go next week again snowboarding, since it's vacation... Ever tried snowboarding?

2006-02-26 [MyWings]: ooohhh! ^^ cool. nope...don't really like snow...

2006-02-26 [Sahraminkukka]: my first time today ^_^ The istructor told that I'm a natural born snowboarder ^_^ FInally something that I might get good on :D Just need to practise more. So, what have you been up to?

2006-02-26 [MyWings]: did you like it? that's so cool! ^^ hehe yeah...practise makes perfect...:S not much...been on ET mostly...had all last week off from school...^^

2006-02-26 [Sahraminkukka]: I loved it :D Even if my legs got tired and I didn't get up I enjoyed it.

2006-02-26 [MyWings]: That's great! ^^ lol

2006-02-26 [Sahraminkukka]: Turning 180 degrees is still very difficult, really need to practise that one a-hell-of-a-lot more!

2006-02-26 [MyWings]: lol i'm sure it is! i wouldn't know, cause i haven't tried...XD lol

2006-02-26 [Sahraminkukka]: And I havent tried the skilift xD I've heard that that is the hardest thing to learn ;) But maybe some day...

2006-02-26 [MyWings]: oh? well, good luck with that! O.O lol yeah

2006-03-05 [Mr. Gentleman]: *sits in corner, sipping milk*

2006-03-05 [MyWings]: sure you don't want anything else than milk?

2006-03-06 [Mr. Gentleman]: Do you have...BANANA BREAD? 0_0

2006-03-06 [Sahraminkukka]: Banana bread? Never heard of it... Maybe we could fix some if I knew what it is x)

2006-03-06 [Dragonartist]: O.O you have never heard of banana bread?

2006-03-06 [Mr. Gentleman]: Oh my god........ Here, I'll make some for your shop..... Hope you don't mind my editing your wiki....

2006-03-07 [Sahraminkukka]: Thank you :) Nope, I've never heard of banana bread... Am I the only one that has not heard of it?!

2006-03-07 [MyWings]: I actually think i know what it is...! :O

2006-03-07 [Sahraminkukka]: Damn, this makes me look retarded... Can you describe it?

2006-03-07 [MyWings]: i'm not sure if i remember the right thing...:S sorry... as soon as i'm sure i'll do it

2006-03-07 [Sahraminkukka]: Or, [Mr. Gentleman], could you describe it to me?

2006-03-07 [MyWings]: hey, hold on...i've got it!

2006-03-07 [Sahraminkukka]: Or someone that knows what it is...?

2006-03-07 [MyWings]: <img:>

2006-03-07 [MyWings]: banana bread...!

2006-03-07 [Sahraminkukka]: O_O Is it made of... banana?

2006-03-07 [MyWings]: it's made with some banana in it... just like carot cake...

2006-03-07 [Sahraminkukka]: Uhum. Is it... sweet? You know, does it have sugar...

2006-03-07 [MyWings]: i think it does...not very much least that's how it tasted...

2006-03-07 [Sahraminkukka]: Oki ^_^ Daah, I have to know what products I have here! xP

2006-03-07 [MyWings]: lol yeah...

2006-03-07 [Sahraminkukka]: I'm so bored... Want anything?

2006-03-07 [MyWings]: do you think i could get an other of those...chocoballs? XD

2006-03-07 [Sahraminkukka]: Ah, yeah, you are the chocoball-lover! I'll get some from the storage! *goes to the dark and cold storage room*

2006-03-07 [MyWings]: thanks!!! you're soo lucky to be bored! i'm having a very unpleasent conversation with my ex. *falls down crying*

2006-03-07 [Sahraminkukka]: :S Poor you *hugs and wipes tears away* Now, take this chocoball, it's an extra big one *gives*

2006-03-07 [MyWings]: *takes it* thanks... *sniff*

2006-03-07 [Sahraminkukka]: Suddenly I started to want blueberries... But I have none :,(

2006-03-07 [MyWings]: awww maybe you could buy some tomorrow...?

2006-03-07 [Sahraminkukka]: Maybe... But the ones that you can buy are always frozen :S Damn, stores close in 10 min. ...

2006-03-07 [MyWings]: not those we can buy here...O.o

2006-03-07 [Sahraminkukka]: Now, I wonder what happend to [Jöntex]... I can't find her anywhere!

2006-03-07 [MyWings]: what?? anything happened to her?! O.O

2006-03-07 [Sahraminkukka]: Nonono, you see, we live in the same house... And I found her at last.

2006-03-07 [Sahraminkukka]: My turn to shower! See you people later! ^_^ Good night and sweet dreams!

2006-03-07 [MyWings]: oki. sweet dreams!

2006-03-08 [Jöntex]: I'm back! : )

2006-03-08 [Sahraminkukka]: Of course you are, darling ;) And I have no clue about what to put on the homepage. Have you started making your [Jöntex]?

2006-03-08 [Jöntex]: ?_?

2006-03-08 [Sahraminkukka]: The homepage! Then you probably haven't started on it. Cassu is the one in charge of them, go to him for advice. Now, why did you have to bring up *him* here? 

2006-03-08 [Jöntex]: is cassu here?!? (mikä on it-osoite)

2006-03-08 [Sahraminkukka]: It has no adress yet, but you know, the seres page... Everybody is getting an own page there, yeah Cassu is here, I hear him clearly. But oski is here too, so not now. 

2006-03-09 [Jöntex]: Ok. I understand (I think so). ;)

2006-03-12 [Sahraminkukka]: I want applepie right now!!!!!!!!!

2006-03-12 [Nickstur;; ISGONE.]: ello^_^ how chocolate/cocoa!xD

2006-03-12 [Mr. Gentleman]: *sits in middle of room, drinking milk*

2006-03-13 [Sahraminkukka]: Yay, you moved out of the corner! Sorry, I'm a little hyper today...

2006-03-17 [Mr. Gentleman]: *hugs* Yes, and, as well, I've grown an odd affection for hugs...

2006-03-17 [Sahraminkukka]: *hugs back* Mee too! Suddenly i want to hug everyone (thank god I don't do that!) So : Hugs to everyone! *hugs* sorry, I'm just so happy right now, pardon me. :D

2006-03-18 [Mr. Gentleman]: *hugs all the lovely ladies out there* Yeah, I'm the only guy in this wiki, so....

2006-03-18 [Sahraminkukka]: xD I hadn't even noticed that!

2006-03-19 [Sahraminkukka]: WHOAAA!!!!! *jumps around* Oh, ehm, hello everyone. Anyone want something?

2006-03-19 [MyWings]: A glass of Juice?

2006-03-19 [Sahraminkukka]: ^_^ Somebody is online! Juice? Her! *gives juice*

2006-03-19 [MyWings]: Yeah, aparently i've got to stay online for hours now... Thanks! I think i'm gonna need some coffee i don't fall asleep

2006-03-19 [Dragonartist]: Haha, :D I hadnt noticed that either

2006-03-20 [Sahraminkukka]: gaah I'm totally bored once again!!!

2006-03-20 [MyWings]: Why?

2006-03-20 [Sahraminkukka]: Because I have absolutely nothing to do, and I would ant to draw something but I have no inspiration. How are you by the way? ^_^

2006-03-20 [MyWings]: Same here. A bit bored, and a bit tired...and a bit happy...XD

2006-03-20 [Sahraminkukka]: ^_^ I found something to do xD I'm fighting with a 11 year old and calling him very ugly names xDXDXD This is so much fun! Using really complicated words that he doesn't understand is so fun xD

2006-03-20 [MyWings]: cool! XD you go girl!!!

2006-03-20 [Sahraminkukka]: Hahaa he gave up! I called him intellectually restrained which he had no idea what it ment xD Lol, maybe he had to go to sleep... Or maybe he got scared when I said to him that the biggest pedophile is coming to get him...

2006-03-20 [MyWings]: he didn't know what it meant?! :O lmao

2006-03-20 [Sahraminkukka]: Well how would an 11 year old know so long and difficult words xD And when I said that Jammu is coming after you (the pedophile) he asked who is that and i replied that go and ask your mum xD

2006-03-20 [MyWings]: I knew what that meant when I was 11...O.o lol aww...XD

2006-03-20 [Sahraminkukka]: I wonder if he asked his mum... That I would like to have heard xD "my son, Jammu is a very very bad man and you shouldn't bother yourself with that" xD

2006-03-20 [MyWings]: Yeah! *thinks about what my mum would have said*

2006-03-20 [Sahraminkukka]: Geez, it's his own fault, he started! Omg, this souds like a fight between siblings xD I can be very mean if I want to x)

2006-03-20 [MyWings]: lol yep, it really does. we all can, hun!

2006-03-20 [Sahraminkukka]: I think I'll start reading to the test tomorrow... See you all later! ^_^

2006-03-20 [MyWings]: I'll be off to bed. *hugs* later

2006-03-21 [Daemeon Arkenyon Zane]: I'd like a double mocha espresso and a large sugar cookie, with white chocolate chips and macadamia nuts.... ;)

2006-03-23 [Mr. Gentleman]: I'd like a cup of milk, please.

2006-03-24 [Sahraminkukka]: Oh, sorry it took a while, got a bit busy. Here: *gives [Daemeon Arkenyon Zane] some ordinary coffee and a big chococookie* Sorry, we aren't that specialized, hope this will do good... And *giver [Mr. Gentleman] his milk and a coocie as a little bonus. :) :D

2006-03-27 [Mr. Gentleman]: Yay! Cookie! *nibbles on cookie* Thank you, mademoiselle Sahraminkukka.

2006-03-27 [Sahraminkukka]: :O :D Nobody has ever called me mademoiselle! ^_^

2006-03-27 [Mr. Gentleman]: Meh, I jus have been feeling proper lately, Mademoiselle. Saying things such as Mademoiselle, Madame, Sir, Lady (name), etc.

2006-03-28 [Sahraminkukka]: Cool :) I just call peole on their names if I remember them xD Otherwise tehy are just 'you'... x)

2006-03-28 [Dragonartist]: lol nobody is really proper around me :P lol XD at school sometimes I get hey girl (if they dont know my name) or just Lauren

2006-03-30 [Mr. Gentleman]: Well, Mademoiseles Sahraminkukka an Dragonartist, I guess it's your lucky day.

2006-04-19 [Sahraminkukka]: Heluuw! How is everybody? :)

2006-04-19 [Dragonartist]: good, how about you? ^_^

2006-04-21 [Sahraminkukka]: Bad lately, been now 3 days in fever... >:( I don't enjoy it a bit! And I had to go to the enteringtest for the artgymnasium in fever :S The interwiew went extremely bad -_-'

2006-04-21 [IX.Dollface]: You have a fever too?? too -__-

2006-04-22 [Sahraminkukka]: I think I'm getting better now. But one shouldn't say that, it brings bad luck...

2006-04-23 [Dragonartist]: -_- aw im sorry your sick ^_^ but I hope you feel better, it does suck, especially if it's for 3 days

2006-04-24 [Sahraminkukka]: It lasted only for 4 days, which is good so I was cured when I had a whole bunch of relatives visiting.... That would have been bad if i had been sick then!

2006-04-24 [Dragonartist]: Yeah it would have ^_^

2006-04-25 [Sahraminkukka]: Anyone want anything? :)

2006-04-26 [Dragonartist]: Ok ^_^ I think I will have raspberry bisquits and coffe please ^_~

2006-04-26 [IX.Dollface]: Coffee for me ^__^ Hahaha

2006-04-26 [Sahraminkukka]: *gives what everybody wants and takes some coffee* Damn I'm sleepy today -_-ZzZ

2006-04-26 [Dragonartist]: *sits down and sips coffee and eats* Yeah im kindof tired today too, mainly tired of school lol ^_~

2006-05-01 [Sahraminkukka]: Uuh, haven't slept almost at all this night! Streched a muscle and almost couldn't breathe because of the pain :S

2006-05-01 [Dragonartist]: Ouch I know that hurts

2006-05-01 [Mr. Gentleman]: Hey! Would it be okay if I advertised my site on this page?

2006-05-02 [Sahraminkukka]: What page [Mr. Gentleman]? Feel free to do so :)

2006-05-05 [Mr. Gentleman]: This Coffee Corner page... Yeah, I made a forum for Books, Anime, and Video Game Fans. So, it's okasy if I put an ad in for it?

2006-05-08 [Sahraminkukka]: I ment what is the page you want to advertise ;) I give you a permission to advertise your page :)

2006-05-08 [Mr. Gentleman]:'s a completely different's the link....

2006-05-18 [Mr. Gentleman]: Aw...I liked this page. It needs to come back to life. *resurrects*

2006-05-19 [Sahraminkukka]: I like this page too! :o x] Let's revive it together x]

2006-05-19 [Sahraminkukka]: How are everyone aroude here? Doing good?

2006-05-19 [Mr. Gentleman]: I'm okay. Although....I gave a love note to one of my friends yesterday, and she started ignoring me, but this morning, I confronted her, and now we're back to normal. Well, except that se knows I'm in love with her, but otherwise, normal.

2006-05-19 [Sahraminkukka]: :o You were brave, you know... I took me long time to say to my bf that i like him a lot... But good that you are okay ^_^

2006-05-20 [Mr. Gentleman]: Heh, yeah, it's tough...

2006-05-21 [Sahraminkukka]: *patpats* but as you know, things can't always work out as you wish... *gives [Mr. Gentleman] a huuuuuuge cookie and hot chocolate*

2006-05-21 [Mr. Gentleman]: Yeah....but, we can try and hardest to MAKE it work! *nibbles cookie*

2006-05-22 [Sahraminkukka]: *nods* but everyone just don't want to try hard... *takes a cookie herself and eats it slowly* I myself am willing to try pretty hard to make things work...

2006-05-22 [Sahraminkukka]: These sort of things are so complicated... People think in different ways and value different things...

2006-05-22 [Mr. Gentleman]: Yeah.....Some people value looks, some loyalty, some want someone they can boss around, some want to be bossed around, some just want anyone, and some just want no's hard.

2006-05-23 [Sahraminkukka]: Yes... Hmm. Which one am I.... Now you made me think! x]

2006-05-23 [Mr. Gentleman]: Erm...sorry.

2006-05-24 [Sahraminkukka]: Hehe, no need to apologise. ...

2006-05-24 [Mr. Gentleman]: Okay. ^_^ So....where is everyone?

2006-05-24 [Dragonartist]: im here...just bored waiting for my freinds to get home from school lol ^_~

2006-05-25 [Mr. Gentleman]: Heh. LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!! ^_^

2006-05-25 [Dragonartist]: YES!!! IM FREEEE!! O.o no more dealing with idiot teachers and dumbass people lol

2006-05-26 [Sahraminkukka]: WHAT?!?!?!?! I still have one week of school *cries* I have been working all week and I'm sooooo tired.... And now, one last week, and you people are already free! *jealous*

2006-05-26 [Sahraminkukka]: Yhank god the PRAO-week has ended, I couldn't stand another week of the boredom at the workingplace -_-'

2006-05-26 [Mr. Gentleman]: *hugs Sahraminkukka* Don't worry, we'll help you through this last crappy week of school.

2006-05-26 [Dragonartist]: its ok at least its just a week, it could be worse lol

2006-05-26 [Dragonartist]: hehe, I feel bad for people in all year schools

2006-05-26 [Mr. Gentleman]: Yeah....two of my friends are in year long schools....IT must suck for them Xp

2006-05-27 [Dragonartist]: i wouldnt like being in an all year school XP I have a cousin that is in a year long school, all her days off vary from being longer than ours to alot shorter, its never know how long she will have off exactly lol

2006-05-27 [Mr. Gentleman]: Heh. sounds's even more confusing when a friend only goes to school for two periods a day....@_@

2006-05-28 [Dragonartist]: woah O.o 2 periods a day? I would like that for regular school lol

2006-05-28 [IX.Dollface]: I agree... O__o

2006-05-28 [Mr. Gentleman]: It's a special school. For the troublemakers, druggies, and suicidals. It's a fun school, no doubt, since you get coffee and stuff, but to get in, you have to already be screwed up...

2006-05-29 [Dragonartist]: aw not screwed up but I can act like it hahahahaha  lol jk :P

2006-05-29 [Sahraminkukka]: xD I wish I had that short days... I hate having to be att school when you people are on vacation already. Actally I'm right now at school... -_- I WANT TO GET OUT OF HERE!!!! Uh, hmm... -_-'

2006-05-29 [Sahraminkukka]: I had such a "oh fuck, it's monday"-experiense this morning... Woke up 10 min. before school started, I hate to stress at mornings...

2006-05-29 [Dragonartist]: omg I hate that >_< especially when I have to rush cuz every 5 secons you haer my mom go "hurry up" and tell me what time it is, I am already stressed thankyou!

2006-05-29 [Dragonartist]: I dont like mondays at school anyway, I don't know what it is, its just stressful on mondays...either that or extremely sucky or boreing lol

2006-05-29 [IX.Dollface]: Mondays always stressful for me, bleh >__<

2006-05-30 [Sahraminkukka]: w00t, survived another day! Mondays should be banned, bad things tend to happend on mondays...

2006-05-30 [Dragonartist]: yes many things....>_>

2006-05-30 [Sahraminkukka]: Bleh *need a cup of coffee* anyone else want?

2006-05-30 [IX.Dollface]: I'll take a cup of coffee... ^__^

2006-05-31 [Mr. Gentleman]: *sips milk* Nah, I'm cool.

2006-06-01 [Dragonartist]: yes please a cup of coffee would do me good ^_^

2006-06-01 [Sahraminkukka]: Just 3 more days 'til freedom!!! Gaah, can't wait :) Yay, coffee *takes a cup and gives to everybody who wants some* :)

2006-06-01 [IX.Dollface]: 11 more days for me ^^;

2006-06-01 [Sahraminkukka]: :O *patpats* Where do you go to school if you have that much left?

2006-06-01 [Mr. Gentleman]: *hugs everyone* Don't worry, it's almost over...

2006-06-01 [Sahraminkukka]: Yea, almost. Then I'm done with primary education :D

2006-06-01 [Mr. Gentleman]:  ?

2006-06-01 [Sahraminkukka]: basic education? uh, *checks int the english-book for another word for it* Compulsory school? First stage of school? Bah.

2006-06-01 [Sahraminkukka]: The first nine years of school, you know.

2006-06-01 [Mr. Gentleman]: OH......ELementary and middle school....Here, 9th grade is high school, though,...

2006-06-01 [Sahraminkukka]: Uh, okay... Here you are from 1-6 grade in "low stage" (age ~7-12) and from 7-9 grade in "high stage" (age ~13-15) And then you're done with the school that you have to go through (don't know if you understand what I'm saying... ;] ) So after saturday I'd never have to go to school anymore if I wanted :D

2006-06-01 [Mr. Gentleman]: o.0 LUCKY!!!! We have to go through another 3 years of school...then another four for college...then more for a certain profession....But, afterwards...we have to get a job, then retire, then wait for death. Kinda grim. -_-

2006-06-01 [Sahraminkukka]: Well, after the nine years very few don't continue their education... After the 9 years you can choose between vocational school or gymnasium, those take ~3 years, and after that you can continue to a higher form of vocational school or choose to go to university which will take ~4-6 years.

2006-06-01 [Mr. Gentleman]: Oh...So, it's about the same, then...

2006-06-02 [Cia_mar]: cheesecake and coffee... mmmm,,, you had me at cheesecake... *wink*

2006-06-02 [Sahraminkukka]: Welcome [Cia_mar] :) Have a seat and enjoy *gives cheesecake and coffee*

2006-06-02 [Mr. Gentleman]: *sips milk* What's up, girls?

2006-06-03 [Sahraminkukka]: I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Feel so good :D And I even got money!

2006-06-03 [Mr. Gentleman]: *hugs* YAY!!!!!

2006-06-04 [Sahraminkukka]: *hugs back* Too bad that I got sick now that vacation started :S

2006-06-06 [Mr. Gentleman]: Oh...that sucks...reminds me of Calvin and Hobbes, though...

2006-06-07 [Sahraminkukka]: Who are they? *sips hot coffee*

2006-06-08 [Mr. Gentleman]: It's an old comic strip...from the eighties, I Bill Watterson. It's about a six-year-old little boy, a real troublemaker, with a Tiger for a friend. Although, they never made it clear whether Hobbes is Imaginary, or he's magical, or what...

2006-06-11 [Sahraminkukka]: Oh! I think I know what comic it is! Notice to all: Me and Jön are away about 2 weeks, so we probably can't give you any coffee then. But please try to survive that time :)

2006-06-12 [Mr. Gentleman]: It's funny! *fills in as server of coffee*

2006-06-15 [moira hawthorne]: Meny: should be ...Menus:

2006-06-16 [Mr. Gentleman]: Mreow, it should, but...meny sounds somehow...cuter...

2006-06-16 [Mr. Gentleman]: Hmm...RIVALS! Hehe. Or something...

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